Rift Valley did not vote for Uhuru Kenyatta in 2017 - Gladys Boss Shollei

The Uasin Gishu Women Rep while appearing on K24's Punchline on Sunday night together with her  Homa Bay counterpart Gladys Wanga , said that“When people from Rift Valley woke up to vote in 2017, they did not wake up to vote for Uhuru Kenyatta. They woke up to vote for Ruto who was in partnership with Uhuru Kenyatta.”
Image result for gladys shollei photos
Gladys Shollei
The Woman Rep further added that many people in the Rift Valley voted for Jubilee Party in 2013 and 2017 General Elections  because they supported Ruto and not President Uhuru Kenyatta.
