Pastor Ng’ang’a apologises to Linus Kaikai over death threats

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Pastor Ng'ang'a,Photo courtesy
 Neno Evangelist Pastor James  Ng’ang’a on Monday apologized to journalist Linus Kaikai over death threats he allegedly directed at Linus.
 Ng’ang’a  made the apologiy to Mr. Linus before Kiambu Law Courts Chief Magistrate Patricia Gichohi.
“I apologize to Mr. Kaikai if he was angered by those utterances… I did not mean it that way…” said Pastor Ng’ang’a in a video uploaded to Twitter by Mr. Linus, a Director at Royal Media Services.
“I have today forgiven Pastor James Ng’ang’a of Neno Evangelism for the threats to life he directed at me in March this year,” tweeted the veteran journalist.
“Pastor Ng’ang’a apologized to me before Chief Magistrate Patricia Gichohi at the Kiambu Law Courts and I accepted the apology.” Linus added on his tweet. 

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Linus Kaikai, Photo Courtesy 
